

Sycuan’s Committment to Toys for Tots

January 27, 2016


Sycuan Casino’s commitment to both Toys for Tots and Rady Children’s Hospital Teddy Bear drive provides their employees and guests the opportunity to embrace the season of giving and share their generosity with the gift of a toy to a child in need. It is a simple act but with immeasurable impact making the joy of giving more powerful than that of receiving.
Sycuan Casino has been a proud supporter of the Rady Children’s Toy & Teddy Bear Drive since 2007.

The Teddy Bear Drive began in 1990 when an Officer from the Coronado Police Department was on a routine follow-up call at Rady Children’s Hospital. Navigating the halls of the hospital, he noticed a bin marked “Toy Donations.” The nearly empty bin inspired the Officer to take action purchasing teddy bears and donated them to the hospital.

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Twenty years later, the San Diego Law Enforcement Teddy Bear Drive has grown immensely: a caravan of nearly 80 police cars and motorcycles including Sycuan’s tribal police department, arrive to a crowd of cheering patients, parents and staff greeting the officers as they arrive. Since the program’s inception, Sycuan Casino collects thousands of toys for the local youth to enjoy during the holiday season and beyond.

In addition to the toys for the children, they also support with a financial gift of funds to assist in their operations throughout the year. And the support goes well beyond the one day as Sycuan Casino donates venue space and in-kind items for auctions throughout the years.

Also during the holiday season, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is sharing the holiday spirit by collecting new, unwrapped toys and distributing them as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community. Sycuan Casino is also a proud supporter and partner of Toys for Tots. You can support and help make the holiday special for less fortunate children by dropping of new, unwrapped toys at the drop-off location at Sycuan Casino.

“We are so grateful to Sycuan Casino for their continued support to San Diego Toys for Tots. Their generous donation has made it possible for us to gift to over 56,000 children in San Diego County. We are very excited for this year’s campaign with Sycuan and expect great success and joy for the holidays!,” Evita Mosqueda-Chapman, Captain, USMC Coordinator San Diego U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Team tells Giving Back Magazine.

Participating in the San Diego Toys for Tots campaign is another opportunity for Sycuan to proudly show their support for the Military, in this case the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, by partnering together on this initiative.
Sycuan Casino is dedicated to bringing smiles, warmth and making the holidays special for the less fortunate children and families in San Diego County. Sycuan Casino’s commitment to the community goes beyond the holiday season as they share and give back to a wide variety of charitable and civic groups throughout the year all while having a positive impact in the community, together making San Diego a better place.